But did you know that the history of baseball in New Albany goes back more than 100 years? Learn more in the latest episode of our New Albany history series!
Comic books and drawing ... that’s all I cared about as a kid! Attending New Albany elementary through high school in the 60’s
and 70’s was pretty cool, although many times as a boy I felt like the proverbial square peg.
I grew up in Cedar Brook until I was 7. I attended NewAlbany Elementary. We only moved away because my dad worked for FBI and was transferred back to Georgia where he and mom grew up. I tell stories of our little town parades where the Brownies marched.
Did you know that New Albany first fielded a football team in 1930 with 14 students who had never previously played the sport? Learn more in the latest episode of our New Albany history series!
This is what New Albany Elementary (far right), Middle School (now the annex-only old building remaining) and High School (back building, between the track/football field and the baseball field) were like when I started in 1992. It was a special place even then.
The Old Dairy Cream in New Albany My name is Carolyn, and my brother, Benjamin, and I grew up with our parents, Harrison and Leona Drake, on Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road just south of Morse Road. When Ben and I were kids, the only thing in New Albany that interested us was the Dairy